English Language Learning classes for parents
May cost a fee:
- Refugee Dream Center: http://www.refugeedreamcenter.org/adult-education/
- Providence Community Library ESL Program: http://www.provcomlib.org/event-topic/esl-program
- Providence Public Library RI Family Literacy Initiative: http://www.provlib.org/rhode-island-family-literacy-initiative
- Rhode Island Regional Adult Learning (RIRAL) English for Speakers of Other Languages Program: http://www.riral.org/esl/
- English Program for Arabic-speaking Refugee Women: [email protected]
- Takes place Wednesdays 6-7PM
- Women can bring their children if needed (we have volunteers that babysit them)
- Transportation to and from the center can be provided
- To enroll: send the coordinator, Yasmine Suliman, an email with their name, phone number, and address
- Takes place Wednesdays 6-7PM
May cost a fee:
- https://ihouseri.org/classes-tutoring/
- http://www.diiri.org/EducationWorkforce/EnglishforSpeakersofOtherLanguages/tabid/170/Default.aspx
- http://www.gencenter.org/adult-education/
- https://brown.givepulse.com/group/124225-ESOL